What is Mediumship & Healing
When people think of Mediums they usually visualise people wearing long flowing gowns in a seance, sat around a table holding hands with the people they are doing a reading for. Mediums are just ordinary people who usually have everyday jobs and families. A Medium is a link between this world and the spirit world.

There are a number of forms of Mediumship
Clairvoyancemeans ‘clear-seeing’. it’s the ability to see Spirit through your third eye. Clairvoyants can see energy fields, spirits, symbols and get visual premonitions. Clairvoyants see things in their mind’s eye and some can see with their physical eyes. Both are possible, but it’s more common to see in the mind’s eye. When reading a situation, a clairvoyant may see a symbol or a movie-scene which is a metaphor for the situation.
Clairaudience is hearing our inner voice speak to us, or the voice of a Guide or Angel, which means “clear hearing”. This voice may sound like our own voice or sound different. Often I hear a message and my Guide tends to whisper messages directly into my ear.
Clairaudience is connected with our 5th Chakra which is the energy center for communication. 
Clairsentience is where Spirit can speak to us through bodily sensations also known as “clear feeling” of energy. These sensations can come as emotions or actual physical sensations incorporating smell, taste or touch, which is our 2nd Chakra in action.
During readings, my clairsentience activates usually through emotions. My body can sense if an energy is fearful in someone’s space, or if they are feeling anxious, guilt or sadness. 
Spiritual Healing is a simple, safe and supportive energy therapy that aims to bring balance to mind, body and soul, as well as to stimulate the body’s own natural healing ability. The healer links to the healing energy that is all around us. Once that connection is made the healer is used as a conduit and sends the energy to the person seeking healing who may or may not be present. Healing is complementary to all forms of treatment as it is non-invasive and patients are always encouraged to seek medical advice for their conditions.
You do not have to be ill to benefit from Spiritual Healing as it also supports good health and wellbeing.
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